2024 IC Markets "They're Fast, We're Faster"

Atmos Studios put their overalls on and worked closely with Limehouse to integrate an entirely CG Formula 1 car into every shot of the “They’re Fast, We’re Faster” IC Markets campaign. Atmos provided On-Set Supervision as well as Project Supervision along with Previs and a Formula 1 CG car rig.

Our approach was to use a stand in prop car which was nothing more than the bare shell of half a car. It gave our talent something to bolt the wheels onto if nothing else!

A really fun job, especially since we got to work with… “Lasers!

IC Markets Previs

2024 IC Markets “They’re Fast, We’re Faster” Credits

Post-Production – Atmos Studios
Post Producer:
Andreas Wanda
VFX Supervisor/Previs: Andreas Wanda

Post-Production – Limehouse
Executive Producer:
Duncan Harriss
Creative Director: Eran Thomson
Post Producer: Ashlee Savins
Director: Aytan Lachish
DOP: Tony Luu
Head of CGI: Chris Andrews
Senior CG Artists:
Rhys White, Nick Deboar
Head of Retouching & CD: James Lucas
Naomi Anderlini & Eugene Richards

Edit: Kelly Searnacke
Grade: Matt Fezz

Music & Sound Design:  Uncanny Valley

Client: IC Markets